February 13 2025
1 title not available[9:53]
2 title not available[5:29]
3 title not available[5:52]
Multiple Sixes[5:18]
Chosen by the Few[4:42]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:45]
7 title not available[5:42]
Lies Lies Lies[4:05]
Easy Target[3:42]
Easy Target (again)[4:12]
Find Me[4:38]
Old as Coal[3:14]
Sure of the End (maybe)[4:08]
February 11 2025
Now We Understand[4:08]
Easy Target[6:47]
3 title not available[4:54]
4 title not available[1:48]
Vertical Integration[4:10]
Old as Coal[3:40]
So Trite it's True[3:12]
13 title not available[4:05]
Cosmic Background[3:15]
All Your Fears (swingy)[3:50]
17 title not available[7:49]
18 title not available[9:30]
February 09 2025
2 title not available[9:35]
3 title not available[6:46]
5 title not available[5:01]
Mayonnaise King 1[1:57]
Mayonnaise King 2[4:23]
Mayonnaise King 3[2:25]
Find Me[4:12]
Watch Your Step[2:23]
February 08 2025
Kill Them All[8:27]
Expense of Others[6:52]
Your/You're Poison[6:46]
5 title not available[4:31]
Ashamed Betrayal[5:47]
Now We Understand[3:26]
8 title not available[11:38]
9 title not available[8:36]
10 title not available[5:45]
Las Vegas[6:09]
12 title not available[6:45]
13 title not available[6:48]
14 title not available[0:54]
16 title not available[8:37]
February 06 2025
Easy Target[3:27]
It's a Crime[4:48]
Cosmic Background[4:46]
Old as Coal[4:02]
9 title not available[2:47]
Find Me[4:08]
Find Me (again)[3:42]
Now We Understand[4:56]
Self Imposed[5:24]
How Low[4:19]
Chosen by the Few[4:55]
17 title not available[9:21]
18 title not available[8:10]
19 title not available[4:52]
Light Creeps[6:06]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:49]
November 30 2024
Undefined Behavior[6:09]
Find Me[5:20]
Now We Understand[5:52]
Old as Coal[3:29]
Self Imposed[5:09]
Easy Target (prequel)[4:45]
11 title not available[0:56]
12 title not available[6:03]
(same thing again)[2:48]
Easy Target[4:37]
Easy Target (more)[2:45]
All the Same[4:55]
How Low[4:51]
20 title not available[7:45]
21 title not available[5:31]
November 21 2024
1 title not available[8:29]
2 title not available[6:28]
Now We Understand[6:12]
Diminishing Returns[1:54]
(The Right Idea)[11:18]
Find Me[4:40]
Another Way[6:06]
How Low[5:48]
Morning Sunburn[4:44]
Chosen by the Few[4:38]
17 title not available[7:43]
18 title not available[8:34]
Days of the Weak[8:33]
Alternate Ending[7:19]
22 title not available[2:19]
Candy Bandit[2:19]
November 17 2024
1 title not available[4:33]
Dereliction of Duty[6:07]
Quicksand (again)[3:07]
Find Me[4:20]
Find Me (again)[2:56]
10 title not available[1:11]
Now We Understand[6:01]
15 title not available[6:50]
norI tsaC tidnaB ydnaC[1:11]
2 norI tsaC tidnaB ydnaC[0:54]
Cosmic Background[3:36]
Ruined Names[6:27]
20 title not available[3:31]
22 title not available[4:25]
23 title not available[3:49]
Not Our First Rodeo[3:27]
Rodeo Continued[1:13]
Las Vegas[6:09]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[6:07]
29 title not available[5:12]
November 10 2024
Now We Understand[5:24]
Diminished Returns[4:58]
29 Year Old Child[6:00]
Find Me (alternate)[9:00]
Major Major Major[4:25]
10 title not available[2:26]
The Squeeze[7:01]
Light Creeps[2:15]
Light Creeps (more)[2:33]
15 title not available[3:46]
16 title not available[4:44]
(vaguely deerhoof)[4:17]
18 title not available[3:39]
19 title not available[1:53]
October 27 2024
Now We Understand[4:47]
Quicksand (slow)[3:09]
Find Me[5:34]
Self Imposed[4:37]
Juice Carrots (again)[2:51]
12 title not available[0:50]
13 title not available[1:20]
14 title not available[2:14]
15 title not available[3:06]
16 title not available[1:07]
17 title not available[1:25]
18 title not available[0:45]
19 title not available[0:30]
20 title not available[0:56]
Bend at Will[4:44]
Quicksand Guitars[7:07]
Quicksand (alt arrange)[5:04]
26 title not available[4:47]
October 17 2024
(Diminished More)[4:46]
Cosmic Background[6:22]
Now We Understand[6:36]
Quicksand Again[4:13]
Virgins Again[5:49]
Find Me[4:29]
Old as Coal[4:24]
11 title not available[3:05]
12 title not available[6:19]
Self Imposed[5:27]
15 title not available[13:54]
Four and Two[8:03]
Six and Seven[1:30]
Six and Seven Again[1:24]
October 10 2024
Virgins Again[5:35]
Find Me Seven[5:52]
5 title not available[4:47]
Now We Understand[4:03]
7 title not available[4:54]
8 title not available[4:00]
9 title not available[6:43]
Cosmic Background (fast)[4:33]
The Squeeze[3:01]
12 title not available[4:26]
13 title not available[2:30]
14 title not available[9:22]
(Light Creeps)[6:52]
October 06 2024
(doom and gloom)[2:12]
Quicksand (slow)[4:26]
Quicksand (fast)[4:12]
Juice Carrots[4:29]
Find Me[4:46]
Now We Understand[4:41]
Old as Coal[4:22]
Vertical Integration[3:10]
Self Imposed[4:04]
Cosmic Background[3:00]
How Low[5:23]
Watch Your Step[3:03]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[3:18]
17 title not available[2:29]
(Twenty-Six A)[3:03]
(Twenty-Six B)[3:18]
Major Major Major[3:28]
21 title not available[4:15]
Las Vegas[4:01]
23 title not available[1:20]
The Squeeze[4:33]
October 03 2024
1 title not available[5:36]
2 title not available[5:47]
7 title not available[8:58]
8 title not available[4:37]
9 title not available[4:47]
Juice Carrots-ish[6:04]
11 title not available[4:06]
12 title not available[2:29]
Virgins Again[3:21]
Find Me[4:17]
Now We Understand[6:20]
Old as Coal[3:36]
Juice Carrots[4:54]
Watch Your Step[2:59]
Self Imposed[5:17]
September 29 2024
How Low[7:55]
Juice Carrots[4:41]
Quicksand (slower)[5:53]
Old as Coal[3:43]
Old as Coal (reprise)[4:11]
Now We Understand[7:57]
Find Me[6:57]
Self Imposed[4:53]
Other Juices[5:27]
September 14 2024
1 title not available[10:35]
Seeing in the Dark[6:58]
Juice Carrots[4:45]
Virgins Again (mini)[1:39]
Juice Carrots (mini)[1:14]
Find Me[4:54]
Find Me (sparse indeed)[3:47]
OJC (mini throwback)[0:39]
Now We Understand[5:05]
17 title not available[2:56]
Here and in Charge[4:23]
September 12 2024
How Low[4:56]
Juice Carrots[4:33]
4 title not available[7:04]
Now We Understand[5:10]
Cosmic Background[4:09]
Find Me[5:08]
All Your Fears[3:48]
Old as Coal[4:17]
13 title not available[5:04]
Self Imposed[4:39]
Vertical Integration[5:05]
17 title not available[3:39]
18 title not available[7:22]
19 title not available[4:36]
STP Plush[2:22]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[5:39]
Las Vegas[4:40]
The River[5:09]
25 title not available[8:46]
26 title not available[3:31]
27 title not available[1:40]
Young Twenty-Nine[13:27]
September 07 2024
1 title not available[3:10]
All Inside[5:46]
Baritone Las Vegas[6:37]
Light Creepsy[7:08]
(sax interlude 1)[9:41]
(sax interlude 2)[2:47]
Burned by the Sound[4:02]
Virgins Again (Baritone)[3:15]
How Low (Extended)[9:12]
Watch Your Step[3:33]
September 05 2024
Read My Mind[3:10]
Virgins Again (slow)[5:34]
Vertical Integration[4:28]
(somesuch) Juice Carrots[7:35]
Find Me[4:31]
Old as Coal[4:26]
Now We Understand (slow)[5:18]
Watch Your Step[2:33]
Somewhere Else (short)[1:21]
11 title not available[2:43]
You Got Away With It[4:38]
13 title not available[9:30]
14 title not available[3:12]
August 30 2024
1 title not available[6:25]
2 title not available[4:05]
3 title not available[1:07]
4 title not available[6:59]
(Not) Major Major Major[3:21]
You Got Away With It[5:23]
Las Vegas (failed start)[1:06]
Las Vegas[3:36]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:26]
10 title not available[8:54]
11 title not available[4:56]
Almost JC[3:14]
14 title not available[5:03]
Juice Carrots[2:59]
Find Me[4:31]
Now We Understand (3)[5:07]
Now We Understand (4)[5:49]
How Low[3:18]
21 title not available[4:47]
Cosmic Background[3:09]
Chosen by the Few[3:46]
August 12 2024
Juice Carrots[3:44]
Find Me[4:15]
Virgins Again[3:44]
Virgins Again Again[2:30]
Now We Understand (in 4)[5:02]
Now We Understand[3:54]
Self Imposed[4:25]
Cosmic Background[4:19]
Old as Coal[4:24]
Chosen by the Few[4:06]
All Your Fears[5:09]
Watch Your Step[2:39]
Something Like How Low?[4:37]
The River[3:58]
17 title not available[4:40]
18 title not available[1:53]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[0:41]
20 title not available[7:10]
(Two) Twenty Six[2:53]
(Two) Twenty Six (work)[4:40]
24 title not available[1:57]
25 title not available[4:59]
26 title not available[1:59]
27 title not available[1:13]
28 title not available[6:08]
29 title not available[6:18]
August 08 2024
1 title not available[12:32]
2 title not available[6:03]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:49]
Chosen by the Few[4:28]
Two (Twenty Six) Trial 1[1:27]
Two (Twenty Six) Trial 2[3:17]
Las Vegas (bouncey)[5:11]
Juice Carrots New[5:07]
Fives Again[3:41]
Virgins Again[3:04]
Cosmic Background[4:22]
Now We Understand[4:58]
Find Me (slow)[5:01]
Find Me[3:16]
18 title not available[4:27]
Watch Your Step[2:50]
August 04 2024
Whole Beneath[4:05]
Find Me[4:57]
Virgins Again[3:55]
Now We Understand[6:13]
Lost in the Cliche[5:24]
How Low[5:27]
Cosmic Background[4:44]
10 title not available[3:31]
Old as Coal, and Fast[3:59]
Get to Know Your Banker[5:02]
(Banker Reprise)[1:05]
14 title not available[2:21]
15 title not available[0:33]
You'll Be Alone[6:16]
17 title not available[10:15]
Major Major Major[3:20]
Sax Creeps[4:20]
20 title not available[8:16]
21 title not available[3:13]
22 title not available[8:11]
The Squeeze[4:52]
Las Vegas[3:28]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:21]
Fat River[1:18]
July 13 2024
Reincarnation Theory[5:42]
Find Me[4:06]
Find Me (reprise)[2:51]
Now We Understand[5:42]
Quicksand (reprise)[3:04]
Juice Carrots[4:09]
How Low[7:58]
Lacking All Doubt[5:56]
July 04 2024
1 title not available[4:19]
Now We Understand[4:58]
Quicksand (wrong)[2:14]
Appropriate Fifth[5:58]
Old as Coal[3:01]
All Your Fears[2:52]
All Your Fears (reprise)[4:12]
Find Me (back nine)[5:08]
14 title not available[4:00]
15 title not available[0:57]
Quicksand (once more)[1:07]
Watch Your Step[3:50]
Chosen by the Few[4:26]
Self Imposed[7:34]
How Low[8:26]
The River[4:03]
22 title not available[10:31]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[4:40]
25 title not available[5:05]
Pumpkin Pie[5:05]
Major Major Major[4:47]
29 title not available[15:10]
June 21 2024
1 title not available[5:19]
Chosen by the Few[4:16]
Major Major Major[4:29]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[3:02]
Electric Kettle[10:20]
8 title not available[1:28]
9 title not available[2:59]
Brilliant OK[6:26]
Cminor Is My New Key[7:30]
All Your Fears (short)[1:14]
All Your Fears (Cmin)[4:28]
Find Me (Cmin)[3:10]
Find Me[3:19]
Back to Normal[6:05]
Virgins Again[3:17]
18 title not available[7:15]
Quicksand in Three[3:36]
21 title not available[2:32]
Five to Four[1:45]
Juice Carrots (false)[1:25]
Juice Carrots[3:38]
June 18 2024
1 title not available[5:16]
Juice Carrots[4:29]
Virgins Again[5:22]
How Low[5:23]
Hollow Assholes[4:49]
6 title not available[5:02]
Now We Understand[4:46]
Vertical Integration[5:29]
Old as Coal[2:35]
Quicksand (reprise)[1:46]
Cosmic Background[4:04]
All Your Fears[3:01]
Chosen by the Few[3:58]
16 title not available[4:42]
17 title not available[2:46]
18 title not available[7:14]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[3:01]
21 title not available[5:34]
Daisy Chain Refaction[5:34]
Cory's Seven[4:26]
The Squeeze / Las Vegas[10:09]
Las Vegas (reprise)[1:38]
26 title not available[5:14]
June 11 2024
Alone at the End[3:47]
Quicksand (doubled)[3:57]
Put Down[4:47]
Put Down (reprise)[4:12]
Now We Understand[5:48]
Juice Carrots[4:29]
Find Me[5:00]
Virgins Again[3:04]
Chosen by the Few[3:14]
Old as Coal[4:39]
Watch Your Step 5 vs 4[0:53]
Cosmic Background[3:18]
Not Around[5:17]
14 title not available[5:35]
The River[5:40]
16 title not available[5:12]
18 title not available[5:48]
June 08 2024
How Low[4:06]
Find Me[4:01]
Now We Understand[5:02]
Juice Carrots[3:16]
Quicksand Rep[2:46]
Old as Coal[4:27]
Virgins Again[3:44]
Watch Your Step (extra)[2:23]
10 title not available[3:23]
Self Imposed[4:23]
June 02 2024
1 title not available[1:24]
2 title not available[5:48]
Major Major Major[2:58]
Partial Insecurity[1:14]
Bass Return[3:10]
Count to Five[2:22]
Find Me[2:31]
(JC turned) Quicksand[4:04]
May 25 2024
1 title not available[8:58]
2 title not available[4:19]
3 title not available[6:29]
The River[6:03]
Las Vegas[5:07]
Bad at Math (reversi)[4:31]
Light Creeps[4:05]
10 title not available[10:04]
Down the Well[1:15]
15 title not available[3:37]
Kerosene So to Speak[3:41]
How Low[4:59]
How Low (fast)[6:22]
Now We Understand (fast)[4:44]
May 23 2024
(Juice Carrots?)[3:36]
4 title not available[7:00]
Trees and Old as Coal[2:56]
Find Me[8:27]
Cosmic Background[4:10]
Now We Understand[2:24]
Five Fingers[2:47]
Wonder About You[4:00]
14 title not available[6:54]
15 title not available[2:10]
(go there)[4:50]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:56]
May 16 2024
Saxpedition 2024[5:21]
Sax Stax[8:53]
Lost in the Trees[6:23]
Truth in Advertising[5:07]
Going Nowhere[4:18]
Watch Your Step[2:10]
Black in Back (lol)[0:44]
12 title not available[10:47]
April 27 2024
sax loop time 1[11:37]
sax loop time 2[6:31]
sax loop time 3[7:20]
4 title not available[13:01]
5 title not available[8:41]
Five Six Eleven Fifteen[13:13]
7 title not available[6:29]
Before You Run (maybe)[6:36]
Vertical Integration[5:41]
In Plain Sight[4:45]
Now We Understand[5:44]
April 19 2024
sax loop time 1[3:50]
sax loop time 2[5:08]
sax loop time 3[9:26]
sax loop time 4[7:21]
sax loop time 5[6:23]
6 title not available[1:31]
7 title not available[10:15]
The River (alt edition)[5:21]
9 title not available[12:06]
10 title not available[7:36]
11 title not available[4:33]
12 title not available[2:31]
13 title not available[1:39]
14 title not available[7:42]
Feeling Alone[4:26]
Now We Understand[3:14]
No, We Understand[4:53]
April 12 2024
Virgins Again[3:38]
Now We Understand[4:33]
5 title not available[7:45]
Find Me[4:14]
Cosmic Background[4:11]
Vertical Integration[9:28]
10 title not available[6:44]
11 title not available[12:45]
12 title not available[8:04]
13 title not available[9:54]
14 title not available[3:10]
15 title not available[7:37]
April 04 2024
Subscribe or Die[12:00]
No Way to See[5:41]
Kerosene (ish)[6:08]
Like a Drone[8:48]
7 title not available[8:25]
8 title not available[9:07]
9 title not available[8:32]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[4:48]
Private Numbers[5:53]
Vegas 3[7:40]
13 title not available[0:36]
14 title not available[1:04]
15 title not available[10:33]
16 title not available[5:10]
March 30 2024
1 title not available[3:50]
2 title not available[5:04]
3 title not available[3:45]
4 title not available[3:08]
5 title not available[3:35]
6 title not available[2:18]
7 title not available[2:40]
8 title not available[4:27]
9 title not available[5:40]
February 16 2024
1 title not available[10:29]
2 title not available[5:23]
3 title not available[1:12]
4 title not available[8:08]
5 title not available[7:57]
6 title not available[4:25]
7 title not available[0:56]
8 title not available[3:24]
9 title not available[4:32]
10 title not available[3:35]
11 title not available[8:20]
12 title not available[4:43]
13 title not available[2:34]
14 title not available[3:20]
15 title not available[7:15]
16 title not available[2:03]
17 title not available[3:45]
18 title not available[3:53]
19 title not available[3:38]
20 title not available[3:33]
February 13 2024
1 title not available[4:09]
2 title not available[4:26]
3 title not available[5:05]
4 title not available[4:00]
5 title not available[6:21]
6 title not available[5:05]
7 title not available[1:54]
8 title not available[3:10]
9 title not available[8:30]
10 title not available[4:00]
11 title not available[0:52]
12 title not available[3:52]
13 title not available[2:14]
14 title not available[1:25]
15 title not available[3:36]
16 title not available[3:27]
17 title not available[8:55]
18 title not available[9:51]
19 title not available[7:55]
20 title not available[2:41]
21 title not available[0:56]
22 title not available[4:52]
23 title not available[1:40]
January 15 2024
1 title not available[4:44]
2 title not available[4:25]
3 title not available[1:46]
4 title not available[0:46]
Virgins Again (acoustic)[4:33]
Virgins Again[3:50]
Sandwich Terrier[7:52]
Find Me[4:33]
9 title not available[7:28]
10 title not available[3:48]
Now We Understand[5:22]
Trees and Mold[3:40]
Trees and Mold (reprise)[4:12]
Vertical Integration[8:26]
15 title not available[4:12]
16 title not available[6:38]
17 title not available[8:19]
18 title not available[1:04]
19 title not available[1:57]
20 title not available[5:41]
21 title not available[5:47]
22 title not available[5:03]
23 title not available[6:26]
January 05 2024
Virgins Again[2:22]
Sandwich Terrier[3:47]
Sandwich Terrier (again)[1:48]
How Low (offset)[4:31]
Find Me[4:21]
Find Me (again)[3:28]
Vertical Integration[5:49]
9 title not available[5:31]
Now We Understand[3:49]
Now We Understand (slow)[4:55]
Cosmic Background[4:02]
Now We Understand Bridge[0:48]
18 title not available[1:53]
19 title not available[8:10]
(Missed) Inside John[9:07]
Candy Bandit[2:29]
22 title not available[2:51]
Terms of Service (I)[2:24]
Terms of Service (II)[1:02]
Virgins Again (alt I)[3:42]
Virgins Again (alt II)[5:53]
December 19 2023
Virgins Again[4:57]
Old as Coal[5:56]
Self Imposed[4:46]
Vertical Integration[7:20]
Watch Your Step[2:23]
Trees and Mold[1:29]
Now We Understand[3:44]
Find Me[3:00]
All Your Fears (v1)[2:51]
All Your Fears (v2)[2:16]
All Your Fears (v3)[4:11]
12 title not available[2:10]
13 title not available[3:36]
How Low[5:00]
15 title not available[7:49]
The Squeeze[5:35]
17 title not available[3:25]
Major Major Major[5:20]
19 title not available[8:14]
20 title not available[7:52]
21 title not available[6:48]
December 03 2023
Darkness Slinks[10:43]
(Drummer Boy)[1:28]
3 title not available[0:45]
Reindeer Betrayal[4:27]
7 title not available[6:29]
Below the Belt (Santa)[3:51]
9 title not available[1:05]
Virgins Again (Barry)[5:31]
Virgins Again (Again)[4:21]
Vertical Integration[10:03]
(Find Me-ish)[6:36]
Watch Your Step[4:35]
15 title not available[1:04]
Now We Understand[8:06]
Retired Airliner[1:20]
Unretired Airliner[4:41]
November 29 2023
See What Happens[5:05]
2 title not available[13:06]
3 title not available[4:26]
4 title not available[3:50]
Chosen by the Few[4:55]
Electric Kettle[7:22]
Candy Bandit[2:52]
Needs Name[16:47]
Needs Name (shortened)[2:05]
Virgins Again[4:20]
Find Me (Muscle)[3:54]
Vertical Integration[8:26]
Now We Understand[3:57]
How Low[5:06]
15 title not available[5:25]
Down to Drown[7:27]
Down to Drown (reprise)[3:52]
November 17 2023
1 title not available[6:56]
2 title not available[10:42]
3 title not available[5:55]
4 title not available[7:18]
5 title not available[6:52]
6 title not available[6:42]
7 title not available[5:47]
(maybe) Virgins Again[8:26]
Virgins Again[3:39]
10 title not available[4:39]
11 title not available[5:55]
12 title not available[6:54]
Watch Your Step[3:43]
14 title not available[1:31]
15 title not available[2:36]
16 title not available[3:32]
17 title not available[4:59]
19 title not available[5:48]
20 title not available[5:58]
November 04 2023
2 title not available[6:39]
3 title not available[10:18]
4 title not available[0:59]
5 title not available[2:53]
6 title not available[6:35]
7 title not available[5:36]
8 title not available[7:26]
9 title not available[3:09]
10 title not available[7:46]
11 title not available[9:32]
12 title not available[8:27]
13 title not available[3:01]
14 title not available[2:20]
15 title not available[5:29]
16 title not available[6:03]
October 31 2023
1 title not available[11:27]
Darkness Slinks[8:56]
3 title not available[7:09]
The Squeeze[5:45]
Hoof It[8:30]
How Low, Extended[6:05]
Find Me[2:52]
9 title not available[5:07]
10 title not available[7:32]
Sparse Ramblings[6:17]
12 title not available[5:05]
May 29 Loopage[5:50]
14 title not available[4:57]
Kiss the Satan[9:12]
Alone in the Aisle[9:51]
October 22 2023
2 title not available[6:06]
3 title not available[1:05]
4 title not available[5:00]
Serious Piano Music[4:31]
Father Them This Year[10:03]
Watch Your Step[3:01]
Now We Understand[5:42]
12 title not available[4:47]
Chosen by the Few[5:09]
October 18 2023
1 title not available[6:40]
2 title not available[7:12]
3 title not available[1:09]
4 title not available[5:44]
Candy Bandit[1:12]
Electric Kettle[3:55]
8 title not available[0:50]
Linear Swim[6:14]
Something / How Low[6:55]
Hint O Candy B[0:39]
High Five[2:19]
14 title not available[4:08]
Old as Coal[3:15]
16 title not available[7:44]
Now We Understand[4:19]
Find Me[3:53]
Self Imposed[5:20]
20 title not available[3:32]
Hints of Hindy[1:57]
23 title not available[5:10]
October 14 2023
1 title not available[6:23]
2 title not available[3:39]
October 13 2023
1 title not available[5:35]
Virgins Again[3:34]
September 29 2023
Disappear / Something[16:58]
2 title not available[8:46]
3 title not available[2:09]
Light Creeps V[4:16]
6 title not available[9:58]
Patterns of Fall[6:32]
Virgins Again[4:17]
Self Imposed[5:42]
11 title not available[2:05]
12 title not available[4:40]
13 title not available[3:37]
Surrounded (mini)[1:03]
15 title not available[2:29]
16 title not available[4:37]
How Low[7:14]
September 19 2023
1 title not available[7:56]
3 title not available[1:01]
Finger Counting[5:46]
Las Vegas[6:27]
Major Major Major[5:25]
Virgins Again[5:00]
9 title not available[5:22]
Cosmic Background[5:03]
Old as Coal[4:58]
13 title not available[4:36]
Self Imposed[6:22]
September 13 2023
1 title not available[9:35]
2 title not available[3:24]
3 title not available[5:01]
4 title not available[8:16]
5 title not available[8:13]
6 title not available[11:30]
7 title not available[4:12]
8 title not available[4:56]
9 title not available[14:46]
11 title not available[9:59]
12 title not available[10:23]
13 title not available[2:39]
14 title not available[1:01]
15 title not available[7:59]
September 09 2023
1 title not available[11:04]
2 title not available[11:21]
3 title not available[3:04]
4 title not available[13:59]
5 title not available[13:13]
6 title not available[6:48]
7 title not available[4:02]
8 title not available[3:22]
9 title not available[5:42]
10 title not available[2:14]
11 title not available[3:59]
12 title not available[7:02]
13 title not available[9:00]
14 title not available[7:14]
15 title not available[0:34]
16 title not available[4:34]
17 title not available[8:05]
18 title not available[2:24]
September 02 2023
1 title not available[10:30]
2 title not available[4:52]
3 title not available[6:08]
4 title not available[5:33]
5 title not available[5:20]
6 title not available[8:40]
7 title not available[6:04]
8 title not available[7:39]
9 title not available[5:09]
10 title not available[4:11]
11 title not available[8:22]
12 title not available[18:27]
13 title not available[10:54]
14 title not available[6:09]
August 20 2023
1 title not available[9:15]
2 title not available[6:29]
The Squeeze[6:17]
(In Seven)[7:20]
Candy Bandit (swing)[3:16]
Las Vegas[5:18]
Forgotten Things[4:05]
User Error[2:59]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[5:26]
Find Me[4:05]
17 title not available[5:01]
Cosmic Background[3:27]
Self Imposed[6:36]
20 title not available[1:45]
Surrounded (maybe)[5:19]
24 title not available[4:30]
August 17 2023
1 title not available[9:18]
2 title not available[9:29]
3 title not available[9:13]
4 title not available[15:11]
Self Imposed[5:20]
User Error (error)[5:26]
7 title not available[2:49]
(Find Me)[1:15]
Find Me[5:41]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[4:22]
Old as Coal[4:06]
15 title not available[4:11]
July 27 2023
Oddly A[2:06]
Oddly B[2:52]
Oddly C[2:02]
Power of the Dead[6:02]
Unwilling Volunteer[5:52]
Self Imposed[5:12]
Trees vs Mold[4:05]
Always Been There[6:58]
Trees vs Mold (revisit)[3:48]
Oddly D (V)[3:39]
Oddly E (V)[5:28]
Sax Lineup[8:07]
Sax II[3:32]
Inside John[8:28]
Predict the Future[11:34]
18 title not available[11:07]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:06]
July 08 2023
Sax Looping I[5:11]
Sax Looping II[3:25]
Sax Looping III[3:45]
Sax Looping IV[1:33]
Sax Looping V[3:48]
Sax Looping VI[3:28]
Sax Looping VII[3:36]
Sax Looping VIII[2:30]
Self Imposed[4:21]
How Low[4:13]
Find Me[3:51]
All Their Fears[2:49]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[5:18]
14 title not available[7:23]
15 title not available[6:00]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[3:20]
17 title not available[4:48]
July 03 2023
Rolling with Fear[4:31]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[3:22]
Las Vegas[5:21]
6 title not available[7:16]
All Your Fears[3:41]
All Your Fears (reprise)[1:55]
Now We Understand[3:02]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[6:03]
13 title not available[4:26]
June 15 2023
Balloon Face[9:48]
Somewhere Else (medley)[1:56]
The Squeeze (medley)[3:04]
Find Me (medley)[3:22]
Watch Your Step (medley)[2:48]
Surrounded (medley)[1:45]
Self Imposed (medley)[4:11]
19 title not available[4:28]
20 title not available[8:18]
June 09 2023
Inside John[7:25]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:27]
3 title not available[9:43]
4 title not available[7:38]
5 title not available[5:00]
Self Imposed[5:29]
How Low[4:26]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[4:19]
Find Me[5:20]
Old as Coal[4:40]
Watch Your Step[7:34]
12 title not available[4:29]
13 title not available[5:17]
Major Major Major[3:51]
May 12 2023
Inside John[5:13]
Electric Kettle[4:59]
Cast Iron Candy Bandit[2:46]
The Squeeze[5:40]
7 title not available[10:53]
Major Major Major[4:10]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[6:01]
Old as Coal[3:45]
Find Me[4:22]
13 title not available[2:20]
15 title not available[0:34]
Now We Understand[4:44]
Chosen by the Few[3:48]
The River[6:01]
No Big Benefactor[3:49]
20 title not available[6:07]
April 13 2023
1 title not available[7:53]
Candy Bandit[0:50]
3 title not available[6:48]
4 title not available[6:25]
5 title not available[6:46]
6 title not available[6:17]
7 title not available[5:49]
8 title not available[0:55]
9 title not available[3:58]
10 title not available[8:38]
11 title not available[9:04]
On Passing[5:57]
13 title not available[6:48]
14 title not available[1:05]
15 title not available[4:52]
April 08 2023
1 title not available[6:47]
2 title not available[6:10]
3 title not available[6:32]
4 title not available[5:56]
5 title not available[5:09]
6 title not available[1:00]
7 title not available[6:24]
8 title not available[1:26]
9 title not available[5:03]
10 title not available[5:11]
11 title not available[9:51]
12 title not available[4:35]
13 title not available[6:25]
14 title not available[9:25]
15 title not available[5:08]
16 title not available[7:00]
17 title not available[9:17]
18 title not available[1:11]
19 title not available[9:29]
20 title not available[11:20]
April 01 2023
1 title not available[7:05]
2 title not available[5:18]
3 title not available[4:38]
4 title not available[15:45]
5 title not available[7:12]
6 title not available[6:24]
7 title not available[7:48]
8 title not available[0:48]
9 title not available[3:25]
10 title not available[9:27]
11 title not available[6:33]
12 title not available[4:42]
13 title not available[18:00]
March 23 2023
inside john / something[18:09]
the squeeze[6:55]
one armed candy bandit[0:54]
5 title not available[5:49]
the river[5:00]
7 title not available[4:55]
8 title not available[3:30]
9 title not available[2:47]
10 title not available[10:31]
12 title not available[17:24]
13 title not available[7:05]
March 17 2023
(temporarily disarmed)[3:37]
2 title not available[1:36]
3 title not available[7:56]
4 title not available[7:20]
one-armed candy bandit[1:57]
inside john?[13:14]
come home[10:32]
fall apart[6:46]
9 title not available[7:02]
10 title not available[10:17]
how low?[13:43]
12 title not available[12:20]
13 title not available[5:27]
March 07 2023
1 title not available[4:27]
inside john maybe?[10:47]
las vegas[7:11]
chosen by the few[4:19]
electric kettle?[8:50]
candy bandit[1:28]
bad at math (virgins)[4:01]
find me[4:22]
old as coal[5:05]
now we understand[5:08]
12 title not available[1:25]
how low?[4:23]
(bass interlude 1)[10:07]
(bass interlude 2)[3:59]
February 02 2023
often unwanted[10:10]
3 title not available[12:20]
same as last time[6:29]
(at the bottom)[6:55]
7 title not available[5:25]
las vegas[5:28]
candy bandit[1:31]
light creeps, eventually[12:19]
how low[7:33]
singular vision[7:24]
forget tree v mold[1:11]
forget tree v mold pt 2[2:13]
17 title not available[3:15]
virgins (bad at math)[4:26]
January 31 2023
inside john[3:48]
las vegas[4:59]
chosen by the few[4:14]
5 title not available[6:31]
the river (brief)[1:17]
electric kettle[5:34]
candy bandit[1:24]
mind reader[5:37]
bad at math (virgins)[5:46]
find me[5:01]
now we understand[3:03]
old as coal[3:45]
fifteen fifteen[7:46]
betrayed by expectations[7:21]
watch your step[4:33]
how low[6:23]
the river[5:20]
on top again[4:26]
self imposed[4:15]
cosmic background[3:08]
December 31 2022
4 title not available[3:59]
Regrets of the Fall[0:57]
Miner's Paradox (cont'd)[4:48]
Prion Burrito[5:15]
9 title not available[1:27]
10 title not available[2:37]
Light Creeps[9:25]
12 title not available[18:40]
Local Aesthetics[7:49]
The Squeeze (rephrase)[5:38]
Mixed Company[8:18]
Mixed Company (reprise)[5:46]
Bad at Math (Virgins)[4:57]
18 title not available[6:09]
19 title not available[0:52]
Watch Your Step[5:30]
December 29 2022
Self Imposed[5:51]
Find Me[6:27]
Now We Understand[6:05]
How Low[4:39]
Old as Coal[2:49]
Watch Your Step[2:04]
Still Confused[6:07]
Still Confused (reprise)[5:05]
Still Confused (three)[2:24]
December 22 2022
1 title not available[7:23]
2 title not available[10:28]
3 title not available[8:45]
The Squeeze[9:53]
Major Major Major[4:45]
Chosen by the Few[5:19]
Self Imposed[8:23]
Cosmic Background(ish)[5:16]
9 title not available[12:23]
Self Imposed(?)[5:26]
Find Me[4:45]
Now We Understand (slow)[4:39]
14 title not available[2:19]
Las Vegas[6:04]
Trees and Mold (I)[1:09]
Trees and Mold (II)[1:46]
18 title not available[1:52]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[4:17]
December 15 2022
2 title not available[11:17]
electric kettle, was it?[9:22]
Cast Iron[4:19]
5 title not available[7:30]
Squeeze the River[5:23]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[6:48]
How Low[4:29]
Old as Coal[3:25]
10 title not available[4:20]
Now We Understand[3:12]
Self Imposed[5:19]
Watch Your Step[2:55]
The River[4:16]
Chosen by the Few[3:17]
In an Alternate Reality[5:22]
November 23 2022
1 title not available[1:04]
Self Imposed[4:34]
Old as Coal[2:45]
Find Me[4:11]
How Low[6:07]
The River[4:58]
Now We Understand[4:34]
Chosen by the Few[3:27]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[6:14]
The Squeeze[3:50]
Name Your Appliances[4:48]
14 title not available[3:10]
15 title not available[9:26]
Laundry Chute[10:29]
Cast Iron[0:39]
Cast Iron (reprise)[1:17]
19 title not available[4:12]
Electric Kettle[7:24]
22 title not available[2:14]
October 06 2022
Looped In[4:56]
2 title not available[4:04]
Something Funky[10:30]
Notice the Despair[4:03]
The Squeeze[5:28]
Meat Pixie Channel[3:44]
Candy Bandit[0:42]
Cosmic Background[5:09]
11 title not available[1:28]
Watch Your Step[2:05]
Self Imposed[3:01]
Highest Bid (I)[2:45]
Highest Bid (II)[2:07]
Highest Bid (Quiet IV)[4:00]
Infectious Thoughts[3:34]
Chosen by the Few[3:40]
Find Me[2:45]
How Low[4:41]
October 01 2022
Find Me?[0:51]
Find Me.[2:06]
Find Me![4:21]
4 title not available[6:32]
September 08 2022
Find Me[5:11]
(fan appointment?)[6:55]
4 title not available[0:43]
5 title not available[2:01]
Chosen by the Few[3:43]
Now We Understand[3:31]
Old as Coal[4:04]
Bad at Math[4:14]
How Low[5:16]
The River[4:27]
13 title not available[3:36]
14 title not available[11:20]
Candy Bandit[1:24]
Light Creeps / Sandman[18:30]
The River (reprise)[2:29]
18 title not available[8:47]
19 title not available[1:00]
20 title not available[5:09]
August 11 2022
Skronky Lydian Returns[7:51]
Vaguely Ironman[6:59]
The Squeeze[9:37]
4 title not available[8:35]
6 title not available[4:58]
Candy Bandit[1:25]
One Off[14:29]
Find Me (extended)[8:15]
Now We Understand[4:15]
Chosen by the Few[2:42]
A What?[4:18]
The River (extra slow)[3:37]
The River (slow)[2:24]
Old as Coal[5:37]
17 title not available[3:28]
18 title not available[7:48]
July 20 2022
Surrounded (mini)[1:09]
Chosen by the Few[4:33]
Before You Hide[4:05]
Find Me[4:48]
Slow Descent[7:48]
Old as Coal[3:21]
The River (sparse)[5:50]
The Squeeze[4:39]
How Low[5:14]
15 title not available[11:18]
Some Parts Optional[7:51]
17 title not available[2:17]
Light Creeps[2:57]
Women in Love (cover)[4:01]
20 title not available[0:44]
Major Major Major[4:05]
July 12 2022
(intro) / The Squeeze[12:58]
Major Major Major[3:46]
Eventual Hindenburg[11:05]
Chosen by the Few (a)[6:19]
Candy Bandit[2:43]
(something again)[3:26]
8 title not available[5:45]
Find Me[6:20]
Bad at Math[6:28]
Bad at Math (again)[4:09]
Bad at Math (re)[1:00]
(revisit) Chosen Key[1:55]
Chosen Key[8:25]
Old as Coal[4:14]
Chosen by the Few (b)[5:35]
The River[5:56]
The River (organy)[4:55]
June 19 2022
Maybe Something[9:54]
3 title not available[2:37]
4 title not available[5:23]
The Squeeze[6:57]
Candy Bandit[1:26]
Skronky Lydian[9:40]
Skronky Lydian (Extra)[1:06]
Just a Fraud[6:42]
How Low (failed)[2:15]
How Low / Find Me[3:53]
Find Me[3:15]
Find Me Interlude[0:45]
17 title not available[4:39]
The River[6:21]
Trees and Mold (almost)[3:04]
Trees and Mold[3:19]
21 title not available[2:27]
June 12 2022
Falling Intro[1:41]
3 title not available[7:19]
Find Me[4:06]
Find Me (oddness)[4:29]
Candy Bandit[1:54]
Candy Bandit (reprise)[3:21]
8 title not available[16:14]
Find Me (again)[2:29]
How Low[6:03]
12 title not available[1:01]
13 title not available[5:39]
14 title not available[5:23]
15 title not available[5:46]
Joke About[5:02]
The Squeeze (but not)[6:33]
18 title not available[4:08]
June 09 2022
My Past Selves[4:34]
Find Me[4:10]
Trees vs Mold[3:15]
Old Already[3:59]
Where Are My Pixies[1:11]
Old as Coal[2:54]
How Low (B)[2:55]
How Low (A)[3:48]
The River[4:47]
The Squeeze[3:48]
Unlikely Immoral Hero[4:18]
Guitar Interlude[4:09]
Candy Bandit[1:15]
Major Major Major[4:32]
Where Is My Nirvana[6:48]
The Squeeze (preprise)[5:02]
March 09 2022
Find Me[3:32]
2 title not available[1:46]
Bad at Math[4:41]
How Low[5:03]
5 title not available[4:45]
The Squeeze[4:41]
Trees and Mold[1:35]
Old as Coal[2:51]
Old as Coal (reprise)[3:41]
Somewherel Else[4:19]
Used by an Idiot[2:03]
Opinions Free of Charge[5:20]
Cloud Worlds[8:19]
Synergy Vampure[13:36]
Candy Bandit[2:00]
Lost and Found[5:23]
(sandman) Let's Pretend[6:06]
19 title not available[0:15]
Smells Like...[5:02]
So So Familiar[6:04]
After Dark It Falls[5:54]
March 05 2022
Asked and Answered[6:15]
Unexpected Outcome[3:04]
Old as Coal[3:28]
How Low[3:27]
Trees and Mold[5:12]
Person in Charge[3:37]
The Squeeze[4:14]
Expected Outcome[5:11]
11 title not available[2:31]
Guilty Conscience[3:52]
Sugar Crash[3:39]
Ears Ringing for Years[5:06]
15 title not available[6:34]
16 title not available[6:21]
17 title not available[0:26]
18 title not available[5:00]
19 title not available[0:46]
(Synergy Vampire) tbd[2:55]
(Synergy Vampire) tbd 2[6:34]
22 title not available[5:42]
23 title not available[3:59]
Candy Bandit[1:59]
March 04 2022
(Synergy Vampire?)[4:33]
Major Major Major[3:48]
Eventual Candy Bandit[1:52]
Personified by Me[6:19]
6 title not available[4:03]
February 27 2022
Roll Him Down the Hill[8:11]
Prelude to an Exchange[2:58]
Major Major Major[4:25]
The Squeeze[6:25]
Old as Coal (tryout 1)[2:48]
How Low?[3:18]
Old as Coal (tryout 2)[3:51]
13 title not available[2:36]
14 title not available[3:29]
15 title not available[4:50]
Trees and Mold[3:31]
The River[3:15]
20 title not available[1:54]
Somewhere Else[4:07]
January 16 2022
You're Gone[9:37]
(Blackbird) Light Creeps[7:17]
Drown (psuedocover)[5:37]
5 title not available[10:38]
Don't You See[4:59]
Trees vs Mold[5:09]
How Low / Minions[7:50]
The River[3:44]
Somewhere Else[3:03]
11 title not available[3:32]
Not Bothered[7:28]
Someone Like You[4:08]
Keeper of Secrets[6:33]
(Bad at Math)[6:22]
16 title not available[4:12]
17 title not available[12:30]
January 14 2022
How Low[4:18]
Don't You See[4:29]
Trees vs Mold[4:36]
The River[4:10]
6 title not available[5:23]
7 title not available[6:02]
8 title not available[3:21]
January 11 2022
We Pretend[6:17]
Off Center[10:48]
Major Major Major[6:03]
Candy Bandit[2:21]
Trees vs Mold preamble[4:11]
Underground Saboteur[4:32]
Trees vs Mold[4:59]
Don't You See[4:29]
Don't You See (more)[1:16]
The River[5:05]
Don't You See (rerere)[3:12]
How Low[4:14]
Lost and Found[5:19]
At the Seams[5:52]
One Last Chance[2:27]
Somewhere Else[3:10]
20 title not available[0:28]
Repurposed Machinery[10:38]
In the Bubble[9:55]
January 08 2022
Standing Next in Line[6:25]
Foot in Mouth[4:37]
Drink It (Just)[4:28]
Clearly Unqualified[4:28]
Unjust / The River[4:12]
Underwater Abandonment[5:16]
Don't You See[4:33]
Don't You See (no-bass)[1:53]
Don't You See (reprise)[1:03]
12 title not available[0:29]
Trees and Mold[5:12]
14 title not available[7:26]
15 title not available[3:13]
16 title not available[8:19]
Part I / Part II[9:22]
January 06 2022
1 title not available[4:59]
2 title not available[1:59]
3 title not available[8:00]
4 title not available[8:04]
5 title not available[8:06]
Trees and Mold[5:13]
Drowning Hole[6:39]
The River[5:15]
(Bad at Math)[4:46]
Stupid Swagger[6:39]
Season of Treason[3:49]
Somewhere Else[3:45]
Find the Voice[2:43]
17 title not available[1:07]
18 title not available[2:34]
January 02 2022
Brain Melt[6:40]
2 title not available[1:54]
3 title not available[4:58]
4 title not available[4:35]
Careless Much[6:01]
6 title not available[8:07]
Chip Away at the Inevitable[11:08]
9 title not available[3:55]
10 title not available[4:14]
Candy Bandit[3:04]
Unsolicited Advice[6:00]
Trees vs Mold[4:06]
Only Probabilities[4:52]
The Perfect Food[4:30]
The More You Give[3:40]
Somewhere Else[4:08]
Season for Treason[2:02]
Season of Treason[1:23]
The River[6:21]
Save Yourself the Deal[9:37]
December 30 2021
Numbers Don't Lie[4:02]
Running on Empty[6:03]
To Be Wanted[7:02]
Trees and Mold[4:13]
Somewhere Else[3:16]
The River[5:33]
Goodbye Little Friend[5:17]
Season for Treason[3:11]
Alexa in the Brain[6:40]
Make It Last[9:29]
14 title not available[14:06]
15 title not available[8:43]
Major Major Major[3:34]
Candy Bandit[2:06]
(... Summer)[7:15]
19 title not available[4:07]
20 title not available[0:35]
21 title not available[4:51]
22 title not available[1:43]
December 28 2021
Trees and Mold[4:11]
Season of Treason[4:45]
Somewhere Else[4:08]
Not Lost Yet[4:50]
Anyone You Know[7:43]
9 title not available[4:41]
10 title not available[2:35]
Path Question[6:18]
Space Blah[2:00]
13 title not available[5:02]
14 title not available[17:17]
15 title not available[5:40]
16 title not available[4:47]
17 title not available[19:05]
18 title not available[1:05]
19 title not available[2:12]
20 title not available[7:34]
21 title not available[7:24]
22 title not available[4:13]
December 19 2021
1 title not available[2:41]
2 title not available[17:20]
3 title not available[2:01]
4 title not available[7:47]
5 title not available[5:08]
6 title not available[12:30]
7 title not available[4:58]
8 title not available[2:47]
9 title not available[1:20]
10 title not available[5:09]
11 title not available[2:52]
12 title not available[6:29]
13 title not available[0:32]
14 title not available[1:42]
15 title not available[5:28]
16 title not available[5:34]
(continued) Stalker Town[1:32]
19 title not available[4:00]
20 title not available[6:41]
Fake Jazz 37[13:50]
22 title not available[6:57]
December 17 2021
1 title not available[4:48]
2 title not available[7:43]
3 title not available[5:18]
4 title not available[9:38]
5 title not available[6:48]
6 title not available[5:19]
7 title not available[1:02]
8 title not available[11:14]
9 title not available[2:26]
10 title not available[5:24]
11 title not available[1:13]
12 title not available[1:59]
13 title not available[5:00]
14 title not available[7:39]
15 title not available[4:43]
16 title not available[4:10]
17 title not available[5:44]
18 title not available[5:45]
December 04 2021
Happy as a Cancer[5:00]
Personal Shell Game[5:25]
No One Is Home[5:48]
Yes Men[5:31]
Suppressed Memories[4:47]
Everything Difficult[6:53]
10 title not available[3:11]
11 title not available[1:37]
12 title not available[7:57]
13 title not available[9:41]
14 title not available[15:07]
15 title not available[13:43]
16 title not available[11:38]
November 22 2021
1 title not available[2:28]
2 title not available[1:18]
3 title not available[4:06]
4 title not available[7:25]
Put Up or[12:49]
Asleep in Public[5:05]
7 title not available[3:59]
Virgins (Bad at Math)[6:48]
9 title not available[9:55]
Candy Bandit[2:06]
12 title not available[6:18]
13 title not available[8:10]
14 title not available[5:47]
November 12 2021
Happen Upon[6:49]
Raccoon Disguise[6:50]
Emulation vs Flattery[8:07]
8 title not available[19:17]
Insecurity (Barry)[5:22]
Candy Bandit (Barry)[3:47]
So Old (Lack of Light)[8:04]
Sandman / The Squeeze[8:09]
Las Vegas[5:46]
Candy Bandit[1:06]
October 17 2021
Mountain Salesman[4:43]
Hidden in Your Eyes[5:50]
3 title not available[4:20]
(interlude of fuzz)[1:10]
The River[6:43]
No Talking[4:46]
Shooting the Shit[4:05]
Down in Front[6:51]
Wetware / Major Major Major[13:57]
12 title not available[10:34]
The Squeeze[5:31]
15 title not available[2:29]
16 title not available[5:27]
August 19 2021
1 title not available[7:39]
2 title not available[9:31]
3 title not available[1:57]
4 title not available[5:01]
5 title not available[13:42]
6 title not available[3:14]
7 title not available[4:54]
8 title not available[5:48]
9 title not available[3:47]
10 title not available[4:35]
11 title not available[5:50]
12 title not available[5:08]
13 title not available[6:31]
14 title not available[4:13]
15 title not available[11:17]
16 title not available[6:33]
August 12 2021
1 title not available[9:30]
2 title not available[6:02]
3 title not available[6:11]
Major Major Major[3:24]
The Squeeze[6:02]
6 title not available[11:30]
8 title not available[5:33]
9 title not available[4:27]
10 title not available[7:16]
11 title not available[4:33]
12 title not available[2:37]
Roads Roads Roads![4:42]
14 title not available[6:07]
15 title not available[3:44]
July 30 2021
1 title not available[3:43]
3 title not available[5:11]
4 title not available[5:07]
5 title not available[3:30]
6 title not available[11:06]
7 title not available[8:07]
8 title not available[13:45]
9 title not available[6:24]
Las Vegas[11:01]
Major Major Major[4:28]
The Squeeze[6:30]
Candy Bandit[2:22]
15 title not available[8:05]
July 02 2021
1 title not available[5:34]
2 title not available[6:08]
3 title not available[4:22]
4 title not available[5:42]
5 title not available[5:50]
6 title not available[5:24]
7 title not available[6:03]
8 title not available[3:00]
9 title not available[4:44]
The River[4:26]
11 title not available[4:24]
May 27 2021
Prelude to Fast Asleep[4:39]
Fast Asleep[4:13]
Marked for the Kill[5:35]
Under Where, Amnesia?[4:45]
Alone and on TV[7:53]
Candy Bandit on Bass[0:33]
I Want Your Dynamite[6:12]
You Will Swim Oceans[7:33]
Candy Bandit[1:10]
May 18 2021
I Will Repeat Myself[5:13]
Unwise Boogie[7:36]
Those Fucking Mice[6:18]
Skittle Interlude[5:18]
At Cost / Broken by the Best[11:13]
The River[4:48]
30,000 Times Later[3:48]
Real Low[2:59]
Above the Horizon[8:25]
Candy Bandit[1:46]
Midsize Boogie[7:01]
Imagine Me with Friends[7:35]
Ode to an Amp[5:45]
May 13 2021
You Might Fall[3:33]
Like You're Not Here[4:54]
Don't Want to Hear[5:12]
You'll Be Distracted[5:50]
Left Alone (Won't Be)[5:30]
Not Like You[4:48]
Look Like Someone Else[3:20]
Battery's Dead[3:35]
Instincts Wrong[4:31]
May 29 Medley[6:40]
Here with Me[12:49]
(Short Interlude)[0:36]
16 title not available[1:54]
17 title not available[4:20]
(intro) / Light Creeps[9:41]
Major Major Major[4:38]
(intro) / Save the Mold[9:25]
May 08 2021
(with feet)[4:30]
3 title not available[6:46]
From the Outside[8:04]
Lead by Example[4:50]
Unscheduled Re-entry[12:32]
NFTs for Your Soul[5:25]
Sounds of the Deep[10:02]
9 title not available[6:36]
Little Things You Say[14:53]
The Squeeze[7:07]
May 05 2021
One in a Million[8:11]
3 title not available[4:53]
Candy Bandit[2:05]
Mostly Quiet[18:25]
??? / The Squeeze[17:20]
Solvent Solution[6:18]
Living in a Fallacy[8:23]
Way of the Prion[6:21]
Walk Back the Sympathy[4:00]
Follow Part II[1:35]
The Obvious[4:18]
Time Travel is Optional[4:31]
April 30 2021
1 title not available[11:59]
2 title not available[12:25]
3 title not available[9:39]
4 title not available[5:28]
5 title not available[3:43]
6 title not available[4:43]
7 title not available[8:52]
9 title not available[14:12]
10 title not available[7:07]
11 title not available[11:46]
(midtro) The Squeezesqueegy[11:22]
Severed Again[7:06]
April 23 2021
1 title not available[4:47]
2 title not available[5:48]
(???) / Insecurity-ish[10:05]
4 title not available[12:37]
5 title not available[3:25]
6 title not available[8:54]
7 title not available[7:48]
8 title not available[1:52]
9 title not available[2:37]
10 title not available[5:51]
11 title not available[3:30]
12 title not available[4:44]
13 title not available[2:15]
14 title not available[6:49]
April 18 2021
1 title not available[10:52]
2 title not available[8:45]
3 title not available[13:49]
6 title not available[2:17]
7 title not available[8:06]
8 title not available[2:03]
9 title not available[3:11]
10 title not available[9:56]
11 title not available[6:10]
12 title not available[9:14]
13 title not available[2:03]
14 title not available[5:15]
February 27 2021
(NINJAM) - 1[6:11]
(NINJAM) - 2[10:32]
(NINJAM) - 3[15:01]
(NINJAM) - 4[14:39]
(NINJAM) - 5[14:11]
(NINJAM) - 6[7:45]
February 24 2021
(NINJAM) - 1[2:44]
(NINJAM) - 2[5:50]
(NINJAM) - 3[7:14]
(NINJAM) - 4[4:45]
(NINJAM) - 5[2:52]
(NINJAM) - 6[4:18]
(NINJAM) - 7[5:06]
(NINJAM) - 8[3:22]
February 03 2021
(NINJAM) - 1[4:13]
(NINJAM) - 2[12:11]
(NINJAM) - 3[6:24]
(NINJAM) - 4[18:16]
(NINJAM) - 5[23:45]
(NINJAM) - 6[11:06]
January 03 2021
(NINJAM) - 1[12:20]
(NINJAM) - 2[7:41]
(NINJAM) - 3[13:05]
(NINJAM) - 4[7:05]
(NINJAM) - 5[2:11]
(NINJAM) - 6[9:23]
(NINJAM) - 7[7:43]
(NINJAM) - 8[7:09]
December 31 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[15:19]
(NINJAM) - 3[6:32]
(NINJAM) - 7[1:44]
December 21 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[5:24]
(NINJAM) - 2[11:38]
(NINJAM) - 3[5:00]
(NINJAM) - 4[10:11]
(NINJAM) - 5[13:08]
(NINJAM) - 6[2:25]
(NINJAM) - 7[7:56]
December 13 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[25:05]
(NINJAM) - 2[16:17]
(NINJAM) - 3[7:06]
(NINJAM) - 4[9:07]
December 12 2020
(NINJAM) - 1 - (ninjam)[15:45]
(NINJAM) - 2 - (ninjam)[29:14]
November 24 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[14:28]
(NINJAM) - 2[3:48]
(NINJAM) - 3[26:13]
(NINJAM) - 4[10:14]
(NINJAM) - 5[5:18]
(NINJAM) - 6[24:21]
November 05 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[14:31]
(NINJAM) - 2[9:15]
(NINJAM) - 3[33:20]
October 27 2020
1 title not available[9:40]
2 title not available[14:07]
4 title not available[5:02]
5 title not available[6:01]
6 title not available[10:11]
7 title not available[12:30]
8 title not available[10:06]
(eventually light creeps)[17:45]
Candy Bandit[3:26]
Candy Bandit Reprise[1:37]
12 title not available[5:24]
October 04 2020
1 title not available[4:19]
2 title not available[4:04]
3 title not available[6:37]
4 title not available[4:23]
5 title not available[12:25]
6 title not available[6:40]
7 title not available[7:02]
8 title not available[3:41]
9 title not available[5:19]
10 title not available[6:27]
September 28 2020
1 title not available[8:08]
2 title not available[5:25]
September 22 2020
1 title not available[5:37]
2 title not available[5:39]
3 title not available[7:50]
4 title not available[7:35]
5 title not available[3:20]
6 title not available[10:38]
7 title not available[6:18]
8 title not available[3:55]
9 title not available[4:17]
10 title not available[6:39]
11 title not available[2:53]
12 title not available[2:39]
13 title not available[10:53]
14 title not available[9:06]
15 title not available[2:09]
16 title not available[9:14]
17 title not available[2:37]
18 title not available[9:11]
September 15 2020
1 title not available[9:24]
2 title not available[8:15]
3 title not available[4:51]
4 title not available[4:20]
5 title not available[5:33]
6 title not available[5:38]
7 title not available[4:31]
8 title not available[8:52]
9 title not available[12:01]
10 title not available[3:40]
11 title not available[7:03]
12 title not available[7:19]
13 title not available[9:58]
14 title not available[9:28]
15 title not available[2:59]
16 title not available[5:37]
17 title not available[13:28]
18 title not available[4:32]
September 06 2020
Better Than They Seem[7:11]
2 title not available[13:35]
Candy Bandit[3:55]
5 title not available[6:44]
6 title not available[7:43]
7 title not available[6:41]
8 title not available[5:52]
August 30 2020
1 title not available[7:03]
(intro) / Insecurity[11:34]
Candy Bandit[4:36]
4 title not available[5:19]
5 title not available[14:02]
6 title not available[9:57]
7 title not available[3:20]
8 title not available[11:03]
9 title not available[4:52]
10 title not available[3:11]
11 title not available[4:24]
13 title not available[5:21]
August 25 2020
1 title not available[16:16]
2 title not available[10:10]
3 title not available[5:15]
4 title not available[5:26]
5 title not available[6:45]
6 title not available[6:56]
7 title not available[9:16]
8 title not available[6:16]
9 title not available[5:04]
10 title not available[5:34]
August 15 2020
1 title not available[4:27]
2 title not available[13:33]
3 title not available[5:50]
4 title not available[7:09]
5 title not available[2:22]
6 title not available[3:28]
7 title not available[4:17]
8 title not available[4:42]
9 title not available[6:33]
10 title not available[6:06]
11 title not available[9:02]
12 title not available[9:41]
13 title not available[2:23]
14 title not available[5:27]
15 title not available[5:30]
16 title not available[5:18]
June 13 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[3:45]
(NINJAM) - 2[3:02]
(NINJAM) - 3[6:35]
(NINJAM) - 4[11:50]
(NINJAM) - 5[2:36]
(NINJAM) - 6[6:37]
(NINJAM) - 7[23:10]
(NINJAM) - 8[13:52]
May 17 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[8:38]
(NINJAM) - 2[10:32]
(NINJAM) - 3[12:50]
(NINJAM) - 4[12:36]
(NINJAM) - 5[4:25]
(NINJAM) - 6[12:16]
(NINJAM) - 7[19:54]
April 26 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[10:47]
(NINJAM) - 3[12:27]
(NINJAM) - 4[24:31]
April 25 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[14:27]
(NINJAM) - 2[15:01]
(NINJAM) - 3[34:46]
(NINJAM) - 4[13:30]
(NINJAM) - 5[35:42]
April 11 2020
(NINJAM) - 2[7:13]
(NINJAM) - 3[5:53]
(NINJAM) - 6 - Renormalize[15:17]
April 04 2020
(NINJAM) - 1[12:22]
(NINJAM) - 2[28:31]
December 23 2019
1 title not available[5:22]
2 title not available[2:33]
3 title not available[5:14]
4 title not available[2:42]
Sax Looper Circus Music[6:58]
Living in a Trap[10:55]
Sparkle Sticks[6:03]
8 title not available[4:09]
9 title not available[6:18]
May 29 Track 6, ish[3:47]
Depth Charges[9:27]
Candy Bandit (Extended)[5:32]
14 title not available[7:29]
November 30 2019
1 title not available[7:25]
2 title not available[7:43]
3 title not available[7:23]
4 title not available[9:52]
5 title not available[2:33]
6 title not available[13:21]
7 title not available[5:01]
8 title not available[13:49]
9 title not available[9:32]
Involuntary Stone Age[7:07]
October 24 2019
1 title not available[10:10]
2 title not available[4:44]
3 title not available[6:05]
4 title not available[4:01]
September 10 2019
1 title not available[3:10]
2 title not available[10:04]
3 title not available[7:55]
Dear John[7:30]
5 title not available[5:28]
6 title not available[4:02]
9 title not available[4:44]
10 title not available[4:48]
11 title not available[12:50]
12 title not available[13:04]
13 title not available[26:31]
September 06 2019
1 title not available[5:21]
2 title not available[15:50]
August 03 2019
1 title not available[5:33]
2 title not available[11:52]
3 title not available[9:53]
4 title not available[6:09]
5 title not available[3:20]
6 title not available[7:58]
7 title not available[20:27]
8 title not available[8:10]
9 title not available[10:40]
10 title not available[8:16]
11 title not available[11:30]
May 27 2019
1 title not available[4:28]
2 title not available[3:15]
3 title not available[7:11]
4 title not available[8:25]
5 title not available[12:17]
6 title not available[5:00]
7 title not available[4:38]
8 title not available[2:34]
9 title not available[3:20]
10 title not available[6:09]
11 title not available[4:17]
12 title not available[2:40]
13 title not available[5:17]
14 title not available[16:22]
15 title not available[13:40]
May 09 2019
2 title not available[6:52]
Stop and Think[8:12]
4 title not available[5:42]
The River[8:55]
6 title not available[7:32]
7 title not available[2:31]
Please Refrain from Using Your Nonlethal Weapon on My Person, My Good Brother / Finders Keepers[6:07]
April 26 2019
Underground Intubation[6:19]
Recurring Dream[6:56]
Jokes Should Be Funny[7:01]
6 title not available[4:02]
Into the Woodwork[5:00]
Las Vegas[12:11]
April 18 2019
Dog and Pony Show[9:15]
Las Vegas (I)[9:44]
The Squeeze[6:08]
4 title not available[6:56]
Major Major Major[3:07]
Las Vegas (II)[4:24]
Las Vegas (III)[6:52]
9 title not available[8:38]
Point of No Return[8:33]
11 title not available[4:07]
Bass Envy[8:13]
April 05 2019
1 title not available[6:14]
2 title not available[4:44]
3 title not available[5:36]
4 title not available[7:56]
5 title not available[7:05]
6 title not available[4:23]
7 title not available[3:41]
8 title not available[5:41]
9 title not available[2:42]
10 title not available[5:01]
11 title not available[3:03]
12 title not available[2:37]
13 title not available[6:02]
14 title not available[5:25]
15 title not available[3:29]
16 title not available[4:27]
17 title not available[6:35]
18 title not available[6:18]
March 22 2019
1 title not available[2:54]
2 title not available[2:37]
3 title not available[8:39]
4 title not available[7:37]
5 title not available[4:23]
6 title not available[5:01]
7 title not available[9:24]
8 title not available[3:58]
9 title not available[6:31]
10 title not available[6:51]
11 title not available[8:14]
12 title not available[2:56]
13 title not available[4:04]
14 title not available[16:09]
February 26 2019
1 title not available[8:41]
2 title not available[5:24]
3 title not available[15:48]
4 title not available[7:18]
5 title not available[17:06]
6 title not available[10:36]
7 title not available[1:45]
8 title not available[1:39]
9 title not available[1:34]
10 title not available[4:18]
11 title not available[9:27]
12 title not available[9:12]
13 title not available[3:18]
February 13 2019
1 title not available[2:58]
2 title not available[7:51]
3 title not available[5:21]
4 title not available[6:48]
5 title not available[5:58]
6 title not available[6:54]
7 title not available[7:20]
8 title not available[8:33]
9 title not available[4:09]
10 title not available[7:55]
11 title not available[8:43]
12 title not available[3:12]
13 title not available[13:57]
June 23 2018
1 title not available[7:25]
2 title not available[5:40]
3 title not available[6:37]
4 title not available[5:03]
5 title not available[17:21]
6 title not available[7:31]
7 title not available[8:33]
8 title not available[5:03]
9 title not available[6:32]
10 title not available[5:44]
11 title not available[3:16]
12 title not available[5:09]
13 title not available[7:41]
14 title not available[5:11]
15 title not available[9:46]
16 title not available[5:31]
June 10 2018
1 title not available[5:02]
2 title not available[8:39]
3 title not available[7:35]
4 title not available[4:46]
5 title not available[8:17]
6 title not available[3:24]
7 title not available[5:17]
8 title not available[4:34]
9 title not available[4:35]
10 title not available[4:33]
11 title not available[7:25]
12 title not available[7:56]
13 title not available[7:56]
14 title not available[4:22]
15 title not available[4:16]
16 title not available[5:42]
17 title not available[4:26]
18 title not available[6:39]
May 16 2018
1 title not available[10:15]
2 title not available[7:38]
3 title not available[4:48]
4 title not available[7:29]
5 title not available[5:48]
6 title not available[7:42]
7 title not available[7:31]
8 title not available[7:39]
9 title not available[8:57]
10 title not available[4:05]
11 title not available[8:10]
12 title not available[9:49]
April 12 2018
1 title not available[9:34]
2 title not available[4:55]
3 title not available[4:40]
4 title not available[6:19]
5 title not available[6:07]
6 title not available[5:16]
7 title not available[5:11]
8 title not available[10:16]
9 title not available[5:49]
10 title not available[4:56]
11 title not available[5:01]
12 title not available[3:35]
13 title not available[4:51]
March 30 2018
1 title not available[6:56]
2 title not available[13:27]
3 title not available[7:26]
4 title not available[8:43]
5 title not available[7:46]
6 title not available[7:54]
7 title not available[8:34]
8 title not available[5:57]
March 06 2018
1 title not available[3:14]
2 title not available[10:36]
3 title not available[6:28]
4 title not available[8:06]
5 title not available[8:17]
6 title not available[9:55]
7 title not available[3:12]
8 title not available[2:56]
9 title not available[5:04]
10 title not available[6:29]
11 title not available[5:14]
12 title not available[6:02]
13 title not available[4:21]
14 title not available[8:38]
January 17 2018
1 title not available[5:19]
2 title not available[5:58]
3 title not available[5:11]
4 title not available[3:55]
5 title not available[10:03]
6 title not available[3:01]
December 20 2017
1 title not available[7:47]
2 title not available[5:32]
3 title not available[10:53]
4 title not available[7:21]
5 title not available[8:24]
6 title not available[3:24]
7 title not available[2:56]
8 title not available[7:26]
9 title not available[9:54]
10 title not available[11:34]
11 title not available[4:18]
12 title not available[4:20]
13 title not available[4:59]
14 title not available[4:29]
15 title not available[3:57]
December 13 2017
1 title not available[6:31]
2 title not available[7:37]
3 title not available[5:23]
4 title not available[5:32]
5 title not available[4:21]
6 title not available[7:56]
7 title not available[8:09]
8 title not available[2:39]
9 title not available[5:40]
10 title not available[5:49]
11 title not available[3:48]
12 title not available[6:44]
13 title not available[9:18]
14 title not available[11:21]
15 title not available[5:45]
November 22 2017
1 title not available[4:50]
2 title not available[2:55]
3 title not available[5:26]
4 title not available[5:44]
5 title not available[4:52]
6 title not available[5:24]
7 title not available[6:18]
8 title not available[14:23]
9 title not available[5:18]
10 title not available[3:11]
11 title not available[3:29]
12 title not available[4:59]
13 title not available[5:04]
14 title not available[8:08]
15 title not available[5:03]
16 title not available[5:58]
November 20 2017
1 title not available[4:59]
2 title not available[4:27]
3 title not available[8:17]
4 title not available[5:40]
5 title not available[8:25]
6 title not available[5:38]
7 title not available[5:25]
8 title not available[6:03]
9 title not available[5:23]
10 title not available[3:59]
11 title not available[4:06]
12 title not available[13:26]
13 title not available[5:02]
14 title not available[5:49]
15 title not available[10:39]
16 title not available[2:30]
17 title not available[5:06]
September 05 2017
1 title not available[14:39]
2 title not available[6:01]
3 title not available[10:10]
4 title not available[7:45]
5 title not available[6:34]
6 title not available[4:07]
7 title not available[7:37]
8 title not available[5:09]
9 title not available[3:23]
10 title not available[7:52]
11 title not available[4:26]
12 title not available[12:13]
August 15 2017
1 title not available[4:59]
2 title not available[9:22]
3 title not available[7:20]
4 title not available[5:00]
5 title not available[7:22]
6 title not available[4:28]
7 title not available[4:04]
8 title not available[4:03]
9 title not available[6:25]
10 title not available[4:41]
11 title not available[10:59]
12 title not available[9:45]
13 title not available[6:23]
14 title not available[5:37]
August 02 2017
1 title not available[11:27]
2 title not available[8:59]
3 title not available[4:43]
4 title not available[8:37]
5 title not available[15:41]
6 title not available[9:59]
7 title not available[12:59]
June 30 2017
1 title not available[3:04]
2 title not available[8:06]
3 title not available[14:03]
4 title not available[4:54]
5 title not available[3:24]
6 title not available[3:25]
7 title not available[12:48]
8 title not available[6:31]
9 title not available[5:32]
10 title not available[6:31]
11 title not available[12:31]
12 title not available[3:44]
13 title not available[4:09]
14 title not available[6:27]
15 title not available[5:38]
June 15 2017
1 title not available[8:26]
2 title not available[5:31]
3 title not available[8:15]
4 title not available[3:34]
5 title not available[6:11]
6 title not available[10:40]
7 title not available[5:08]
8 title not available[5:12]
9 title not available[5:36]
10 title not available[9:23]
11 title not available[3:31]
12 title not available[9:40]
13 title not available[15:43]
14 title not available[4:23]
15 title not available[4:13]
16 title not available[5:26]
17 title not available[4:23]
May 13 2017
1 title not available[14:15]
2 title not available[6:05]
3 title not available[5:50]
4 title not available[3:43]
5 title not available[4:34]
6 title not available[5:38]
7 title not available[7:39]
8 title not available[6:51]
9 title not available[11:40]
April 24 2017
1 title not available[8:17]
2 title not available[10:46]
3 title not available[10:41]
4 title not available[4:35]
5 title not available[7:23]
6 title not available[14:19]
7 title not available[11:36]
8 title not available[11:34]
9 title not available[7:35]
10 title not available[3:48]
11 title not available[4:31]
12 title not available[2:53]
13 title not available[8:54]
April 14 2017
1 title not available[10:45]
2 title not available[11:04]
3 title not available[3:27]
4 title not available[9:49]
5 title not available[13:55]
6 title not available[9:25]
7 title not available[7:30]
8 title not available[6:16]
9 title not available[9:02]
10 title not available[6:25]
11 title not available[20:21]
April 08 2017
1 title not available[2:31]
2 title not available[7:09]
3 title not available[3:04]
4 title not available[6:17]
5 title not available[7:08]
6 title not available[6:51]
7 title not available[6:20]
8 title not available[8:30]
9 title not available[8:02]
10 title not available[7:11]
11 title not available[4:00]
12 title not available[5:37]
13 title not available[6:25]
14 title not available[6:49]
15 title not available[6:18]
March 23 2017
1 title not available[12:03]
2 title not available[7:51]
3 title not available[7:55]
4 title not available[17:02]
5 title not available[4:53]
6 title not available[4:38]
7 title not available[9:20]
8 title not available[6:58]
9 title not available[2:43]
10 title not available[7:19]
11 title not available[5:32]
12 title not available[6:52]
13 title not available[11:35]
14 title not available[7:24]
March 16 2017
1 title not available[4:45]
2 title not available[13:53]
3 title not available[3:31]
4 title not available[2:44]
5 title not available[13:02]
6 title not available[3:11]
7 title not available[10:43]
8 title not available[12:26]
9 title not available[14:21]
10 title not available[7:50]
11 title not available[14:33]
12 title not available[18:02]
February 28 2017
1 title not available[6:55]
2 title not available[2:51]
3 title not available[7:00]
4 title not available[5:39]
5 title not available[5:31]
6 title not available[5:54]
7 title not available[18:06]
8 title not available[9:04]
9 title not available[9:56]
10 title not available[12:51]
11 title not available[6:18]
12 title not available[12:34]
13 title not available[5:47]
February 16 2017
1 title not available[6:45]
2 title not available[7:49]
3 title not available[9:15]
4 title not available[5:19]
5 title not available[5:40]
6 title not available[8:59]
7 title not available[3:55]
8 title not available[3:31]
9 title not available[7:18]
10 title not available[5:28]
11 title not available[17:53]
12 title not available[7:59]
February 10 2017
1 title not available[7:29]
2 title not available[5:58]
3 title not available[11:49]
4 title not available[14:07]
5 title not available[7:51]
6 title not available[7:23]
7 title not available[3:42]
8 title not available[15:40]
9 title not available[8:21]
10 title not available[10:53]
11 title not available[10:11]
12 title not available[5:05]
13 title not available[8:04]
14 title not available[11:15]
February 03 2017
1 title not available[5:57]
2 title not available[12:24]
3 title not available[7:03]
4 title not available[7:00]
5 title not available[9:36]
6 title not available[19:24]
7 title not available[12:57]
8 title not available[13:06]
9 title not available[21:44]
January 27 2017
1 title not available[3:24]
2 title not available[6:16]
3 title not available[9:01]
4 title not available[8:49]
5 title not available[13:09]
6 title not available[6:00]
7 title not available[21:33]
8 title not available[14:30]
9 title not available[6:11]
10 title not available[2:59]
January 18 2017
1 title not available[2:19]
2 title not available[5:22]
3 title not available[6:24]
January 10 2017
1 title not available[4:27]
2 title not available[7:14]
3 title not available[6:26]
4 title not available[4:28]
5 title not available[4:05]
6 title not available[8:30]
7 title not available[3:52]
8 title not available[3:51]
9 title not available[11:05]
10 title not available[4:41]
11 title not available[9:05]
12 title not available[7:32]
13 title not available[3:50]
14 title not available[6:52]
January 04 2017
1 title not available[6:15]
2 title not available[5:38]
3 title not available[8:32]
4 title not available[19:33]
5 title not available[7:14]
6 title not available[3:16]
7 title not available[8:19]
8 title not available[4:59]
9 title not available[5:25]
10 title not available[5:17]
11 title not available[4:22]
12 title not available[10:19]
13 title not available[8:26]
14 title not available[5:37]
December 16 2016
1 title not available[5:10]
2 title not available[3:42]
3 title not available[12:05]
4 title not available[5:55]
5 title not available[2:41]
6 title not available[14:42]
7 title not available[20:33]
8 title not available[6:54]
9 title not available[18:15]
10 title not available[9:09]
11 title not available[3:11]
12 title not available[9:29]
December 02 2016
1 title not available[6:31]
2 title not available[4:45]
3 title not available[5:55]
4 title not available[9:24]
5 title not available[8:55]
6 title not available[5:57]
7 title not available[3:02]
8 title not available[7:20]
9 title not available[8:41]
10 title not available[4:30]
11 title not available[3:53]
12 title not available[4:20]
13 title not available[3:23]
14 title not available[4:34]
15 title not available[3:11]
16 title not available[4:26]
17 title not available[4:43]
18 title not available[3:23]
19 title not available[7:42]
20 title not available[3:35]
21 title not available[6:20]
22 title not available[3:41]
Note: that's 2866 songs/supersongs from 188 sessions (282 hours, 15 minutes, 39 seconds)